Guide To Buying

There are many types of e-cig products on the market, which makes it somewhat challenging for the average person to pick the right product. However, there are many e-cigarette reviews that can help the average person to choose the right product. If you are looking for the best e-cig product reviews, be sure to click here to learn more about some of the options available to you.

What is an E-Cig?

As the name suggests, an e-cig is an electronic cigarette. It has a power source, a nicotine tank and an atomizer, which transforms the nicotine liquid into the vapor or mist the user inhales. The Li-ion battery is rechargeable while the cartridge holding the nicotine liquid is refillable. This means that all you need to do to use the vape is charge the battery regularly and refill the cartridge whenever you exhaust the nicotine liquid. The e-cig can be used for many years before it has to be replaced. When you want to make the switch to e-cigs, all you have to do is buy an e-cig starter kit, which contains everything you need to enjoy a superior vaping experience.

Why Switch to E-Cigs?

There are many reasons why you should consider switching to electronic cigarettes. They include:

i) Health Benefits

Cigarette smoking has been linked to respiratory diseases and lung cancer. This is because the smoke produced by cigarettes contains soot, tar, carbon monoxide and a wide range of other gases and chemicals that are known to have adverse health effects. In addition to affecting the smoker, this smoke can also affect third parties because the secondary smoke is just as harmful as the primary smoke. You can avoid all these health problems by simply getting your nicotine dose from a vape as opposed to smoking a cigarette.

ii) Convenience

It is quite convenient to use an electronic cigarette to get your nicotine dose. This is because e-cigs can be used in most of the public places where cigarette smoking has been banned. This means that e-cigs allow the user to conveniently get their nicotine dose without having to look for bathrooms and smoking zones. It may also allow smokers to stay on the right side of the law.

iii) Affordable

Anyone who smokes one or two packs of cigarettes per day can save money by switching to e-cigs. This is because they only need to buy the starter kit and recharge the battery after every few days. When the cartridge is empty, only a refill is needed. There are many e-juice and e-liquid brands out there, so you can never run out of affordable options.

What You Can Learn From E-Cigarette Reviews

All ecig products are not the same. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Since you want the highest quality product that will give you great value for your money, it may be a great idea to shop around to identify the right product. In that regard, reading e-cigarette reviews can be incredibly helpful. The following are some of the things you can learn from an e-cig review:

i) Manufacturer Reputation

There are some manufacturers with a great reputation in the industry as far as making the highest quality products is concerned. When you read an e-cig review, you will be able to learn about the manufacturer of the product as well as their reputation. This will go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision.

ii) Battery Capacity

A reliable power source is important when it comes to using portable electronic appliances, such as e-cigs. You do not want to charge the ecig on a daily basis, or several times a day. You want an ecig with a powerful battery that can hold enough energy to power your e-cig for a couple of days and provide you with several hundred puffs. The best e-cig batteries have a 3,000mAh rating or higher. Any decent review will tell you about this.

iii) Price

Price is one of the key factors to consider when looking for e-cig products. This is because every consumer wants to get value for their money. Reviews normally contain the prices quoted by different vendors for the product being reviewed. This means that you can easily compare prices by simply reading reviews.

Get The Low Down

E-cigs are the perfect way to get started with vaping, especially if you are trying to quit smoking. Not only do these simple and easy-to-use devices give you the nicotine hit you need, but they are designed to look and feel like real cigarettes to help smokers make a smoother transition to vaping.

There are two different types of e-cigs: disposable and refillable. Disposable e-cigs can be used until the battery or the carton or e-liquid has run out, at which point you simply throw it away and start using a new one. These still work out a lot cheaper than normal cigarettes as disposable e-cigs can give the user between 300 and 500 inhalations — the same as about 30 to 50 cigarettes. Disposables are available in a limited choice of flavors with standard tobacco and menthol being the most popular as these are the most familiar to smokers, again helping with an easy transition to vaping.

Refillable e-cigs work in exactly the same way, except that you can “refill” the cartons with additional e-liquid and recharge the device to use it over and over again. This is not only great value for money but also allows you to explore some of the more unusual and creative e-liquid flavors which are available. Both types of e-cig are designed to be used like ordinary cigarettes and even have a small light at the end which glows when you inhale.

Keeping Stride with E-cig Advances

There are lots of different makes and models of e-cigs on the market, but there are some brands which are more dependable, reliable, and even stylish than their competitors. Websites like are great places to get all the information you need about the best e-cigs and they constantly update their site to take into account the latest products. Vaping is a very innovative industry and there is always new technology or new design features being launched. Visiting sites like best ecigs reviews regularly helps you to keep on top of the latest e-cig news.

Vaporfi Express

Vaporfi is one of the most popular brands of e-cig, according to and many others. Their devices are always well-designed, stylish, easy to use and are compatible with the Vaporfi range of e-liquids. There are dozens of flavors available on the Vaporfi e-liquids range as well as different blends of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin to help you tailor your vaping experience. The Vaporfi Express is the company’s take on the refillable e-cig and their starter pack comes with additional cartridges to keep you supplied for weeks.


The e-cigs made by V2 have been one of the most popular brands for years, and their original V2 and EX Series mini cigs are still among the vaping best sellers. Popular because of their quality and reliability, the V2 e-cigs are also well designed and come in a variety of fun colors — in contrast to many of their e-cig competitors who prefer making sure their devices look as similar to real cigarettes as possible. The starter kits come with additional cartridges as well as a charger to keep your e-cig fully powered and supplied, and the company also sells cartridges in a variety of flavors to suit all tastes.

Halo Cigs

Halo Cigs offers a cool and stylish take on e-cigs, their sleek devices available in a range of eye-catching colors and stainless steel. Not only do they look good but they are also durable and reliable devices, producing a smooth vapor which beginners and more experienced users will all enjoy. The G6 starter kit is the ideal device for people who are new to vaping; easy-to-use and containing all the kit you need to get started. This may be one of the more expensive starter e-cigs but you are getting a lot for your money as Halo Cigs has put a lot more thought into the design of their starter devices than other vaping companies.

The world of vaping and e-cigs can be quite bewildering when you first enter it — and there are constant developments which mean that new products are being launched all the time. Staying up to date with the best new devices is much easier with a site like which is independent, and therefore covers all the brands and devices out there rather than only advertising their own products. Visiting this site regularly will help keep you updated with what’s currently best on the market so you can always be confident with your purchase.

Newest Craze

Lets take a look at some E-cigarette reviews. In a day and age where smokers are becoming more and more put upon to remove themselves from society in lonely pursuit of their vice, it is no wonder that ways and means have been sought after to allow that endangered of dangerous species, the tobacco user, an opportunity to indulge in his or her favorite pastime, which is to say, partaking of that smooth mellow soother of nerves: dried, treated tobacco rolled delicately into extra fine burning papers to deliver the smoke. Sadly, in this day and age, smokers are having an exceedingly hard time finding smoker friendly, or at least, smoker neutral participation zones. Gone are the days where a smoker could whip out a cancer stick after that nice steak meal and light up. Too many delicate, non-smoking nasal passages have been offended. Too many state legislatures have been bombarded with complaints against the smoker. Restaurants have closed off smoking sections and removed complimentary ashtrays. It seemed like, with the exception of a smoker’s homestead, mandatory cessation of smoking would very soon be a reality for tobacco users in every sphere of society.

This is where the electronic cigarette comes in. A rather wily individual or individuals have come up with a way whereby a smoker can get his fix of nicotine without the dirty looks and fines. Electronic cigarettes are humanity’s answer to a smoker’s prayer. With an apparatus that looks more like a marijuana pipe and less like a traditional cigarette, smokers can utilize a USB controlled hand-held device that delivers a palatable blend of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine, and assorted flavorings, delivering a reasonable facsimile of a nicotine fix if ever there was one. Although minor side effects like light-headed-ness and nausea have been reported among users of this technology (sometimes nicotine levels were too high by mistake), demand is rising and there is much popular feedback and even praise among displaced and exiled smokers about this product. No medical or scientific proof exists one way or the other about the safety or lack thereof of this product as of yet. But that’s really a nonissue, isn’t it? The horrible, detrimental effects of long-term tobacco use have been known to much of the world for the better part of sixty years, haven’t they? These data have never stopped the smoker from meeting his need thus far, have they? They also haven’t stopped the Food and Drug Administration from throwing its weight around on this new fad and extending its supervisory jurisdiction to include e-cigarettes and related supplies and vaping mixtures, despite the lack of concrete proof either way as to e-cigarettes harmlessness or health risks.

If It Comes Out of China, It’s on the Rise, right?

Still, if it comes out of China, how bad can it be? How can one-quarter of the population of the world be wrong? Estimates are that the large majority of purchasers are smokers who are trying to quit and that the craze is not just confined to China, but most of the western world. Evidence shows that more and more non-smokers and teeny-boppers are finding ways to get their hands on e-cigarettes and vaping liquid. Vape shops have been popping up like weeds on the fringes of many towns and villages, and even in storied, elegant and high profile areas of town. What used to have negative connotations as the preferred outlet of burnouts and outlaws have now gained an almost preppy acceptance on the mainstream side of town. Vaping and e-cigarettes are not vices to be hidden and indulged upon in backrooms and casinos of yesteryear. Ritzy businessmen and pillars of society have been seen utilizing e-cigarettes in fashionable venues and even in parent-teacher meetings. Even school police officers use them in non-tobacco zones in lieu of burning the weed.

It’s not clear as to the future of this relatively new development in vice and self-indulgence. If sales are any indication, then e-cigarettes have a bright and sunny future. As of this writing, sales of this miracle habit have exceeded seven billion dollars worldwide. For a species that rarely exhibits self-control, e-cigarettes are the new phase of minor vice for the committed hedonist.

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